BRITISH ARAB Network CHAIRMAN condemns Egypt’s cover up of murder of Italian student ON AL JAZEERA’S INSIDE STORY
09 Apr 2016, by In the Media -Dr. Wafik Moustafa has condemned the Egyptian authorities cover up of the murder of an Italian student in an interview on Aljazeera’s Inside Story programme.
Inside Story – Is Egypt covering up the murder of an Italian student?
Giulio Regeni was an Italian student who went missing in Cairo after speaking to trade union and opposition activists.
It is a case that has shocked and outraged Italians.
Giulio Regeni was an Italian student who went missing in Cairo after speaking to trade union and opposition activists.
His mutilated body was later found on the side of the road. He appeared to have been tortured.
What followed was, for many Italians, a botched investigation – one that some have concluded amounts to a cover-up.
As an Egyptian delegation arrives in Rome to discuss the case, Inside Story looks at the diplomatic row between Egypt and Italy, and asks what the murder tells us about the rule of law in Egypt.
Presenter: Sami Zeidan
Nicholas Piachaud – Egypt researcher, Amnesty International
Raffaele Marchetti – Professor of International Relations, Luiss University
Wafik Moustafa – Founder and chairman, British-Arab Network
Source: Al Jazeera